2012-03-14 -- Reviewing my log entries made prior to my absence I have discovered several left in a draft state and have published them.
Today would be the day I learned that New Eden is a dark and lonely place, full of evil and vile beings.
I have been in [[corp-kb:New Interstellar Order]] for a little while now and was excited to join them on a corp mining op, even if it was rather early for me. I had accustomed myself to a clock where my piloting begins around 0:00 EVE-time during the week and maybe 15:00 EVE-time on the weekends. However, our mining op was at 13:00 EVE time, a couple hours ealier than I really wanted to be up, but I wanted to be part of the corp so I got up early and headed to my POD to start some mining.
Things went smoothly for awhile until a [[Myrmidom]] warped in. We didn't think to much about it as it was highsec, so he wasn't likely to jump us out right, but instead he can flipped us. And that is what started a series of unfortunate events that almost lead to me foresaking the life of capsuleer to go back to a life on solid ground.
You see the world is full of people who live off other's tears. That have no other goal in life but to anger and frustrate other people and just generally be jerks. I understand there is some allure to espionage, but being a traitor just to be a jerk is low and dirty. There are no rules of engagement for morality, CONCORD doesn't show up insta-gib capsuleers for being scum. They should, but they don't.
Now I have no problems with pirates, if I wander into low-sec its at my own pearl. I'm even okay with can flipping, after all CONCORD gives me permission to attempt to exact vengeance on the theif, but I don't have to and they can only steal what is in a jetcan, which after all, we knew was a possible outcome. So where is this all coming from? Well, back to the story.
As I was saying we were mining along and [[Myrmidom]] piloted by [[player-kb:Neekoon Trabird]] warps in. He glides on over to one of our cans and flips it. "Well, thats just great," I though to myself. One of the corp pilots had his own myrm in system so [[player-kb:Crimson Slash]] went and fetched it from a near by station. After warping back he engaged the enemy, well, lets just say that it didn't go so [[player-kb:8265236][great]].
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